Monday 23 September 2013

Crafty Update (and swappage!)

Well, it's surely time for a bit of a crafty update. I've been as busy as ever, but it's been a good kind of busy and there's been a bit of crafty time thrown in there.

I finally got the sewing machine out of its box and I have to say I love it - I reckon there' probably room for a review of it somewhere when I get the chance. I've managed to pick up how to use it *fairly* successfully but it hasn't been without its own little dramas (as learning any new hobby can be).

In the few months which have passed I've managed to make the kitten ears. I was happy with them as a starter project but I already recognise where I could have gone better and now wish I'd photo-journaled so I could remember how I did it (and therefore change the bits I don't like).

I was lucky enough the other week to get invited to a lovely friend's place who is excellent at dress making and she helped me construct a whole dress in one night. A LOT of mojitos later, and a lot of chatting, and we had one dress and I was able to take a ready-made pattern away too. Looking forward to trying another version of it all alone :)

 And so now I'm half way through making this picnic blanket skirt which I absolutely adore! It's proving a wee challenge (my machine doesn't like the thin fabric and my bobbin is having a hard time with it) but apart from that I'm enjoying it and I can not WAIT for it to be finished :)

Which brings me on to the new exciting project. The lovely @kittykirstykat recommended I join in with the Craft Swap @merialc is organising. To tell you the truth, I wasn't - and still aren't - sure I'm crafty or good enough to actually give my stuff to another person but it's given me a wee rocket up the proverbial and I have a few ideas buzzing around so I'm looking forward to getting started with it and creating a wee bundle of crafty stuff to send along to my secret swap. It's like secret santa but WAY more fun.

So it's busy busy on the crafty front - even if the corsetry course I wanted to do was cancelled. Fingers crossed for the January one as it's something I really want to learn. I must get better at documenting the things I make on here - would be good to look back and actually remember how to do things again.